30 research outputs found

    Transit functions on graphs (and posets)

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    The notion of transit function is introduced to present a unifying approach for results and ideas on intervals, convexities and betweenness in graphs and posets. Prime examples of such transit functions are the interval function I and the induced path function J of a connected graph. Another transit function is the all-paths function. New transit functions are introduced, such as the cutvertex transit function and the longest path function. The main idea of transit functions is that of ‘transferring’ problems and ideas of one transit function to the other. For instance, a result on the interval function I might suggest similar problems for the induced path function J. Examples are given of how fruitful this transfer can be. A list of Prototype Problems and Questions for this transferring process is given, which suggests many new questions and open problems

    Guides and Shortcuts in Graphs

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    The geodesic structure of a graphs appears to be a very rich structure. There are many ways to describe this structure, each of which captures only some aspects. Ternary algebras are for this purpose very useful and have a long tradition. We study two instances: signpost systems, and a special case of which, step systems. Signpost systems were already used to characterize graph classes. Here we use these for the study of the geodesic structure of a spanning subgraph F with respect to its host graph G. Such a signpost system is called a guide to (F,G). Our main results are: the characterization of the step system of a cycle, the characterization of guides for spanning trees and hamiltonian cycles

    Axiomatic characterization of the interval function of a graph

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    A fundamental notion in metric graph theory is that of the interval function I : V × V → 2V – {∅} of a (finite) connected graph G = (V,E), where I(u,v) = { w | d(u,w) + d(w,v) = d(u,v) } is the interval between u and v. An obvious question is whether I can be characterized in a nice way amongst all functions F : V × V -> 2V – {∅}. This was done in [13, 14, 16] by axioms in terms of properties of the functions F. The authors of the present paper, in the conviction that characterizing the interval function belongs to the central questions of metric graph theory, return here to this result again. In this characterization the set of axioms consists of five simple, and obviously necessary, axioms, already presented in [9], plus two more complicated axioms. The question arises whether the last two axioms are really necessary in the form given or whether simpler axioms would do the trick. This question turns out to be non-trivial. The aim of this paper is to show that these two supplementary axioms are optimal in the following sense. The functions satisfying only the five simple axioms are studied extensively. Then the obstructions are pinpointed why such functions may not be the interval function of some connected graph. It turns out that these obstructions occur precisely when either one of the supplementary axioms is not satisfied. It is also shown that each of these supplementary axioms is independent of the other six axioms. The presented way of proving the characterizing theorem (Theorem 3 here) allows us to find two new separate ``intermediate'' results (Theorems 1 and 2). In addition some new characterizations of modular and median graphs are presented. As shown in the last section the results of this paper could provide a new perspective on finite connected graphs

    Axiomatic characterization of the absolute median on cube-free median networks

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    In Vohra, European J. Operational Research 90 (1996) 78 – 84, a characterization of the absolute median of a tree network using three simple axioms is presented. This note extends that result from tree networks to cube-free median networks. A special case of such networks is the grid structure of roads found in cities equipped with the Manhattan metric

    Leaps: an approach to the block structure of a graph

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    To study the block structure of a connected graph G=(V,E), we introduce two algebraic approaches that reflect this structure: a binary operation + called a leap operation and a ternary relation L called a leap system, both on a finite, nonempty set V. These algebraic structures are easily studied by considering their underlying graphs, which turn out to be block graphs. Conversely, we define the operation +G as well as the set of leaps LG of the connected graph G. The underlying graph of +G , as well as that of LG , turns out to be just the block closure of G (i.e. the graph obtained by making each block of G into a complete subgraph)

    A simple axiomatization of the median procedure on median graphs

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    A profile = (x1, ..., xk), of length k, in a finite connected graph G is a sequence of vertices of G, with repetitions allowed. A median x of is a vertex for which the sum of the distances from x to the vertices in the profile is minimum. The median function finds the set of all medians of a profile. Medians are important in location theory and consensus theory. A median graph is a graph for which every profile of length 3 has a unique median. Median graphs are well studied. They arise in many arenas, and have many applications. We establish a succinct axiomatic characterization of the median procedure on median graphs. This is a simplification of the characterization given by McMorris, Mulder and Roberts [17] in 1998. We show that the median procedure can be characterized on the class of all median graphs with only three simple and intuitively appealing axioms: anonymity, betweenness and consistency. We also extend a key result of the same paper, characterizing the median function for profiles of even length on median graphs

    Axiomization of the center function on trees.

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    We give a new, short proof that four certain axiomatic properties uniquely define the center of a tree

    Median graphs and helly hypergraphs

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    Generalized centrality in trees

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    In 1982, Slater defined path subgraph analogues to the center, median, and (branch or branchweight) centroid of a tree. We define three families of central substructures of trees, including three types of central subtrees of degree at most D that yield the center, median, and centroid for D = 0 and Slater's path analogues for D = 2. We generalize these results concerning paths and include proofs that each type of generalized center and generalized centroid is unique. We also present algorithms for finding one or all generalized central substructures of each type

    The t-median function on graphs

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    A median of a sequence pi = x1, x2, … , xk of elements of a finite metric space (X, d ) is an element x for which ∑ k, i=1 d(x, xi) is minimum. The function M with domain the set of all finite sequences on X and defined by M(pi) = {x: x is a median of pi} is called the median function on X, and is one of the most studied consensus functions. Based on previous characterizations of median sets M(pi), a generalization of the median function is introduced and studied on various graphs and ordered sets. In addition, new results are presented for median graphs